As noted from November's meeting, the committee agreed to set aside its previous plan for reviewing the current plan by focusing on the complaint process.
Review of Complaint Provisions (Proposed §3-2-101 - §3-2-105; Plan §2-18-101 - §2-18-105)
Note: Though listed above with the provisions renumbered to match the committee's proposed new numbering scheme, these documents match the current plan numbering scheme. Since this portion of the review will likely merely request amendment of soley this portion of the existing plan, there will likely not be a request to consider numbering changes as part of this proposal.
November, 2024
The committee reviewed and made a number of suggested revisions to our preset review process. However, the committee also agreed to hold on our review plan to immediately pivot and take up the the complaint process with the intent of asking for this portion of the plan to be offered as an amendment to the current plan seperately, and more in the near future.
Specific changes made by the committee at its Novemeber meeting will be provided. Please check back for those details.
October, 2024
This is the latest working proposal which reflects updates from the Oct. review meeting.
This is the next set of provisions which the committee will review. Note that the committee will also revisit §3-1-203.
Regarding Modifications of Boundaries for Boards - The Committee is requiring a Board or Boards to submit formal requests, likely through a Resolution, for the committee to consider any modifications of the geographical boundaries of a Board.
Reviewed and continued discussion on reorganization of the revised plan. To summarize, the plan appeared to have been numbered and organized to fit into the regulatory scheme of the city clerk. Consequently, the 2-11 sections relate to the Commission and are self contained administrative rules. The remained of the current plan, sections 2-12 through 2-20 all relate to the Boards and together form another part of the plan.
With the decision to adopt a reorganization, the Committee is dispensing with that bifurcated scheme and drafting the plan into a single unified document.
Review Process Plan - In our review process, the committee is taking provisions out of order. The purpose is to start with provisions which appear to be a lesser public interest. Those related to the Commission Office and the Commission itself.
The review plan at present is to continue with the Commission Office and Commission provisions, followed by those pertaining to the Boards, provisions related to the complaint procedures, and finally, those related to geographical boundaries.
As with every phase of the review, the public has opportunities to provide input to the committee.
Following is a summary of changes to date:
Note: Section numbers reflect the sections under the proposed plan. In parathensis are refernces to corresponding provisions under the current plan.
§3-1-101 (NP §2-11-101) - no change
§3-1-102 (NP §2-11-102) - deleted section with expectation that most of these definitions will be placed in an unified definitions section, 1-1-102. Noted that there is no duplication between two current definition lists so likely all of these definitions will go into 1-1-102.
§3-1-103 (NP §2-11-103) – added a reference to provide more references as to define “price fixed by law” in section (d).
§3-1-104 (NP §2-11-104) – Removed “in duplicate” in subsection (a).
Added the following language to subsection (d): “and cite the specific reason for such.”
In subsection (f), made no change to term “promptly” though considered.
Committee may refer back to earlier plan and include dropped legislative references for this section.
§3-1-105 (NP §2-11-105) – Removed section as a duplicate of a yet to be reviewed section (1-1-103).
§3-1-106 (NP §2-11-106) – No changes
§3-1-107 (NP §2-11-107) – No substantive changes but committee may add additional legislative references to this section.
§3-1-108 (NP §2-11-108) – No change
§3-1-109 (NP §2-11-109) – No change made but committee discussed changing “shall” to “may” but declined to make this change.
§3-1-110 (NP §2-11-110) – Committee noted need to change this to reflect what is required at the end of the review process. As this is mainly an administrative requirement, this will be deferred and adjusted as required at the appropriate time.
§3-1-201 (NP §2-11-201) – No change.
§3-1-202 (NP §2-11-202) – Committee considered altering subsection (b) but declined.
Committee considered adding resignation requirement to section for commissioners filing for higher office. As this may conflict with mandates of the City Charter, the committee will defer to making any changes but will consider this provision again when reviewing the corresponding provision covering boards (2-1-103).
§3-1-203 (NP §2-11-203) Conference of chairs –No change. In subsection (a), the committee considered requiring conferences be held annually but declined to make this a requirement.
September, 2024
The Committee discussed board outreach. Here is the proposed presentation that will be sent out to all the Neighborhood Boards explaining about this review and how they can participate. Please know, this is in draft form at the moment and will be updated soon.
This is the current working version of the revision to this date. The document has not been updated to reflect the Sept. meeting's dicussions. Please check back for an update.
The committee reviewed sections 3-1-301 to 3-1-105. Those proposed edits will be reflected in the updated working version. Also, some decision on specific subsections were tabled until our October meeting.
To recieve mailings from the Commission regarding future committee meetings, please email the NCO at [email protected].
Submit this testimony form to have your comments and suggestions heard.
For additonal questions, please contact the Neighborhood Commission Office.
August, 2024
Proposal to renumber and reorganize the Plan.
There was an error in listing "AMENDMENT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN" as Chapter 4. This should have been labeled Part 4. This was corrected and approved.
This is the current working version of the revision to this date.
At our September 16, 2024, meeting, the committee will review certain sections under "The Neighborhood Commission" section of the Plan. This is an editable version of those sections.